Dental Care by adeepindigo (2025)

So I had an epiphany in the middle of one project and thought, why do my Sims brush their teeth? There's no consequences, no gameplay, no dread of the dentist office, no judgment for those cavities! So I casually... or not so casually... slipped this new idea in the middle of another project with the wonderful Sandy who didn't bat at an eye and here we present to you: Dental Care! Now your sim can get cavities, have bad breath, need and receive braces, toddlers can teeth and teens can have wisdom teeth extracted, and everyone can enjoy a trip to the dentist (hah)!

Dental Care Mod by adeepindigo and AroundtheSims


Dental Insurance

Your sim and their family are automatically opted into Dental Insurance if at least one YA-Elder sim in the home has a job. If someone loses their job, the family looses their insurance. Insurance can be regained upon employment. Insurance allows for a 40% discount on dental visits.

Teeth Health

Sims teeth health is now monitored and decays over time without dental care interventions. Sims will receive notifications when it's time to attend to their dental needs. Dental care behaviors like regular brushing teeth, using mouthwash, going to the dentist appointments, even popping a mint will help improve teeth health. If Sims don't attend to their teeth health they can get any number of dental issues including cavities, sensitivity, frequent toothaches and require root canals to name a few. If your sim hasn't brushed in over 24 hours their breath will smell bad but a quick mint can help offset the effects but it won't go away until their teeth are brushed. Sims around your sim will feel uncomfortable being around a sim with bad breath.

Dental Care by adeepindigo (1)

Dental Supplies

My darling Sandy (aka AroundtheSims) made all the dental supplies and your Sims can now purchase on the computer under the Order menu "Purchase Dental Supplies." You can purchase toothpaste for kids and adults, mouthwash for kids and adults, breath mints, and breath spray. Everything but the breath spray and toothpaste can be used by the Sim. If your sim has a tube of toothpaste in their inventory when brushing their teeth it can help with certain issues including cavities and teeth sensitivity.

Dental Care by adeepindigo (2)

Dental Appointments

Scheduling Appointments (Immediate and Calendar)

Your sim can schedule their Dentist Appointments on the computer under the Household Menu. YA-Elder can schedule appointments for minors. A notification will pop up if the appointment scheduling was successful and the Sim whose appointment is scheduled will receive a call shortly after (about 30 minutes) from the Dentist's Office (provided the dentist's office is open, hours are 8am-6pm daily), when its time their appointment. If you don't get the call, or miss it, or don't want to wait, or want to go later, you can always find the Go to Dental Appointment interaction on the phone under the Household menu. It will only appear once the appointment is scheduled on the computer. In order for your toddler to go to the Dentist, once an appointment for them has been scheduled, you must click on the "Go to Dental Appointment" option on the toddler.

You can also make a Dental Appointment event on the calendar. Note about calendar appointments: After first booking the dentist appointment on the computer, you will be prompted to go to your appointment immediately if during office hours (8am-6pm daily). If you want to instead create an event for the appointment to schedule a time for you to send your sim to the dentist via the calendar, you must cancel when the office calls for the appointment (if they do, otherwise, simply proceed to create the event as usual) and can then choose to create a dentist appointment event to schedule a time for your sim to attend their appointment. When the event occurs, you must choose the option on their phone to Go to Dental Appointment in order to complete the goal.

Appointment Types

There are three new types of dental appointments. Upon loading the game, it will prompt all sims to get a Routine Cleaning. Routine Cleanings are only needed every 14 sim days (24 days in Long version). If any issues arise (see Dental Issues), your sim will be able to schedule an Check-In Appointment. And should your sim need a Dental Procedure performed (teens-elder only), they will be able to make a Surgery Appointment.

Only the appropriate, most urgent appointment type will be available. Procedure takes precedence followed by Issue then Cleaning. At this time, minors (children and toddlers) must be accompanied by an adult to dental appointments. Going to the dentist appointment will give the sim (or sims) a sick day off.

Dental Care by adeepindigo (3)

General Dentist Issues

Sims will now have the opportunity to get cavities (more likely if they eat a lot of junk food or are generally a slob or have poor hygiene), toothaches, chipped teeth, and loose teeth. They can also develop gum disease and teeth sensitivity. Identifying and resolving these issues will require an Issue Appointment. Sims will receive a generic notification (see below) that will notify them of an issue they have developed.

Dental Care by adeepindigo (4)

Age Specific Dental Issues


NatetheL0ser has kindly allowed us to incorporate his Teething Mod into this mod. Your toddler will experience the pains of toddlerhood and can start teething. Toddlers can go to cleanings like other Sims. Teething toddlers can alleviate the symptoms of teething by taking a teething tablet. They can not do this on their own; an older sim can give them one by clicking on the toddler.


Children now have a chance to need braces and to get them removed.

Teens/Young Adult

Teens now have a chance to need braces and get them removed. Teens and Young Adults have a chance to need their wisdom teeth extracted.


Adults and Elders have a chance to need root canal or dental implants.

Dental Care by adeepindigo (5)


Sims may find during a Routine Cleaning or an Issue Check-In appointment that their dentist recommends a Procedure. In this case, the dentist will prompt the Sim to schedule a follow up appointment for the dental surgery. The mod will send reminders until the appointment is schedule. Wisdom tooth extraction, root canals, braces removal, and dental implants are the four types of dental procedures/surgeries available. After a procedure if you Sim opts for the anesthesia they may feel a little bit off! They will also be prescribed pain medication they can take every six hours over a period of 36 sim hours. They can take the medication by clicking on the sim and using the "Take Medication" interaction. If they don't take the pain medication, they are more liable to experience pain spikes that can make them very uncomfortable.

Dental Care by adeepindigo (6)


Requires: Base Game

**Also Requires: Lumpinou’s Mood Pack. Link below**

This does not conflict with the following: Private Practice (most recent version), LMS AutoBrushTeeth, Bienchen's Pimple Mod, Slice of Life

It will conflict with: Faster Teeth Brushing* and Brush the Taste Away

Faster teeth brushing has been incorporated into this mod

Recommended Packs: Spooky Stuff and GTW for medication animations

Download Instruction

********You need all 4 downloads (objects and mod as well as the Mood Pack)**************

1. Required: Download Lumpinou's Updated Mood Pack or (please make sure you have the mod updated version)

2. Required for functional dental care items: Download Sandy's Dental Care objects

3. Required: Download the Dental Care mod attached below.

The Core file is required for the mod. The core file enables bad breath, dental insurance, object functionality, and periodic cleaning appointments.

Minor Issues Module enables minor teeth health issues including cavities, gum disease, and sensitivity.

Major Issues Module enables major teeth health issues including braces, wisdom teeth extraction, root canals, and dental implants.

4. Required: General Pie menus (attached)


This mod overrides three game files (sink_Brush_Teeth and loot_sink_Brush_Teeth). It will conflict with any mod that does that including faster teeth brushing. However, I have changed it so that sims will brush their teeth faster with this mod.

Dental Care by adeepindigo (2025)


How to go to dentist in Adeepindigo? ›

If your sim has a tube of toothpaste in their inventory when brushing their teeth it can help with certain issues including cavities and teeth sensitivity. Your sim can schedule their Dentist Appointments on the computer under the Household Menu.

What is the best order for dental care? ›

A proper dental routine consists of five steps: rinsing, brushing, flossing, tongue scraping, and a final rinse.

How should a dental receptionist answer the phone? ›

7 Important Call Answering Skills Every Dental Practice Should Have
  1. 1) The Exceptional Greeting. ...
  2. 2) Develop a Plan for After-hours Calls. ...
  3. 3) Always Offer the Appointment. ...
  4. 4) Speak Slowly and Repeat. ...
  5. 5) Smile and Keep a Positive Attitude. ...
  6. 6) Hold Etiquette. ...
  7. 7) Dealing with Disgruntled Callers.
Jul 13, 2022

What is the number one barrier to dental care according to the ADA health Policy Institute? ›

When adults are categorized by health insurance status, cost was the top reason for not visiting a dentist across all groups (see Figure 3). Among adults with private health insurance, the top reasons are cost (35.1 percent), not needing dental care (34.8 percent), and lack of time to get to a dentist (19.7 percent).

Where do the Kardashians go to the dentist? ›

Los Angeles cosmetic dentist Kevin Sands, DDS has treated some of the most well-known celebrities in the world, including Kim Kardashian, Shaun White, Charlie Sheen, Elle MacPherson, George Lopez, and Britney Spears.

Why is it hard to go to the dentist? ›

Visiting a dentist can lead to confusion, fear, and dread in many individuals. From the anticipation of pain to a lack of control during the visit, there are many factors that contribute to this anxiety. While these fears are all valid concerns, however, they may cause people to delay necessary dental treatments.

Is it better to brush or floss first? ›

While it may be surprising, a study has found that flossing first followed by brushing with a fluoride toothpaste is more effective in removing interdental plaque than brushing first, flossing second. In addition, flossing before brushing results in greater fluoride retention between teeth.

Should you floss or waterpik first? ›

Which order is best when it comes to your oral care routine? Most people brush, then floss, then waterpik (if they have one)… but did you know the “best” order is actually: Floss – to dislodge food particles. Waterpik – to flush everything away.

Should you brush your teeth first or mouthwash first? ›

The Mayo Clinic recommends using mouthwash after brushing and flossing your teeth. However, the National Health Service (NHS) recommends avoiding mouthwash right after brushing, since this may wash away the fluoride from your toothpaste. Instead, the NHS recommends using mouthwash at a different time of day.

How many calls should a receptionist handle? ›

A receptionist can answer a lot of phone calls in a day—some field hundreds of calls. Others may only take a dozen or so. Ultimately, it depends on the type of receptionist that you have, the type of calls involved, and so forth.

What questions should I ask for a dental receptionist? ›

General interview questions for dental receptionists
  • Tell me about yourself .
  • What's your educational background?
  • What intrigued you about this opening?
  • Do you have a certain salary you expect to be paid?
  • Do you enjoy interacting with patients?
  • How would you describe your work ethic?
Jun 24, 2022

How common is poor oral hygiene? ›

Almost half of American adults suffer from gum disease.

A study in 2008 found that bleeding gums from poor dental hygiene could increase the risk of heart disease.

How much does poor oral health cost? ›

Direct treatment costs can be substantial for a variety of common conditions that result when oral hygiene or preventative dental care are neglected. For example, gum disease treatments can range from $500 to $10,000 in total depending on the severity of the disease.

How many Americans can't afford dental care? ›

Nearly 69 million U.S. adults did not have dental insurance or access to routine oral health care last year, according to the nonprofit CareQuest Institute for Oral Health. "Most people know that our health care system is broken. It's outrageously expensive. Millions of people can't afford insurance," Sanders said.

How do you get through going to the dentist? ›

Here are some tips for doing just that.
  1. Find the right dentist. The right dentist can make all the difference. ...
  2. Use relaxation techniques and medications. Ahead of your appointment, take some time to get in the right mindset. ...
  3. Bring a friend. ...
  4. Arrive early. ...
  5. Let your dentist know! ...
  6. Ask lots of questions.
May 13, 2019

How to lose a tooth in Sims 4? ›

To wiggle it, players can either select the Sim and choose the Wiggle Loose Tooth interaction or select any mirror and have them do it while looking at it. The tooth can also be ignored, and it will eventually fall out. If the Sim brushes their teeth, there is an increased chance of it happening.

Why can't I click on my sims in Sims 4? ›

Normally, not being able to click on a Sim is caused by outdated mods or mods that aren't properly installed.

How do you get a guy to go to the dentist? ›

Suggest that he come to the dentist with you for your appointment. Meeting the staff and dentist at your appointment will help familiarise him with the surroundings and what happens at check-ups. You won't know until you go. He will not know if he has any problems (painful or not) unless he has a check-up.

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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.