Fortnite: Chapter 5 Season 4 - How To Find And Use Iron Man's Combat Kit And Flight Kit (2025)

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Fortnite: Chapter 5 Season 4 is all about Marvel's heroes and villains, and the inhabitants of the Fortnite island. To enhance your mobility and damage output in the game, fan-beloved Iron Man's Mythic items are up for grabs.


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Iron Man's Combat Kit and Flight Kit can be found at his points of interest (POIs) in the game. Additionally, these spots also grant you War Machine's loadout. When combined, your entire loadout can help you fly, laser-beam and shoot projectiles in the game. And, if you're truly a Marvel enthusiast, you now have a chance to meet Iron Man too!

Where To Find Iron Man's Combat Kit and Flight Kit

Instead of looking for an Avenger's Chest like you normally would, look for Stark Industries Chests. These contain either Iron Man's Combat Kit or Iron Man's Flight Kit. Both are separate items, but synergize well with one another.

These chests are found at Iron Man's POIs that are scattered across the island. They are marked by little dark-gray spots on the map. As the match progresses, some of them will change and evolve. A large base will land on this spot, and you will be able to enter it. This will attract a lot of attention, so be careful.

If you manage to find one, simply enter it and interact with the platform. It will grant you the Mythic items, along with War Machine's Arsenal, and other special items. If you already have Iron Man's Mythic items equipped, you'll likely get War Machine's items instead.

If you head to the POI at Grim Gate, you can find Iron Man walking around. Interact with him, and you'll be able to purchase the Stark Industries Energy Rifle along with Iron Man's Combat Kit.

When the base is landing at one of the POIs, a small mask icon resembling Iron Man and War Machine will appear on the map.

Gameplay Strategy

In a perfect world, landing at Grim Gate and talking to Iron Man would be the best thing to do. This way, you can quickly get your hands on the Stark Industries Energy Rifle, which is perhaps the best assault rifle in the game right now. Then, you can loot the nearby spot for Iron Man's Mythic items.

Unfortunately, not every match in Fortnite is this simple, and it's better to search for loot at locations that feel farthest from the Battle Bus. Before you land, simply open your map and take a look at which POI feels safest to land at. You want to avoid hot spots, as they shorten the chances of you finding, equipping and using one of Iron Man's Mythic items.

If you're a skilled veteran, you can also wait for the zones to close a little. Then, wait for opponents to fight each other so you can "third-party" them and eliminate them when they're weak. Next, pick up Iron Man's Mythic items if they drop any. Tony Stark would be so proud of you.

Iron Man's Flight Kit

Once equipped, all you need to do is press the attack button. You'll launch into the air and can hover about freely. Like you would usually sprint, "boosting" lets you zip through the air based on where your camera angle is set. Remember that this doesn't keep increasing your speed over time, even though the animations may make it seem so.

This isn't unlimited, of course. After a short while, the kit will use up all its energy, and you'll have to wait for the cooldown to end. Before landing at a spot, you can do two things: either slam down by pressing the attack (Ram) button, or simply land like you would if you had War Machine's Hover Jets.

Even if you have no weapons or Combat Kit equipped, the Flight Kit can get you out of a lot of tricky situations. Additionally, it also helps you scout the map better, and find loot you prefer the most.

Try to reach the highest altitude possible. This way, you'll always have the height advantage when fighting enemies.

Iron Man's Combat Kit

This one's fairly simple to use. Your "light attack" fires small bursts of energy shots. These work like homing missiles, making it easier to aim.The "heavy attack" fires a unibeam for a short while. This does a lot more damage, but has a longer cooldown.

You can pair the unibeam with Iron Man's Flight kit when midair. Doing so will keep you in flight mode, and you can use your height advantage to track players.

You can always use the Combat Kit on the ground, too. However, mixing it with the Flight Kit is a situational strategy that best works when there aren't multiple opponents firing at you.

Relying completely on these items isn't advisable. It's better to keep at least one weapon (such as an assault rifle) in your loadout.


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Fortnite: Chapter 5 Season 4 - How To Find And Use Iron Man's Combat Kit And Flight Kit (2025)
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